Saturday, July 16, 2011


I had my surgery on July 6th with Dr. Feng.. I love her and her staff they're all so wonderful.  I am happy with the results. 
I am doing well and have seen improvements already.  My neck and back no longer hurt.. the numb spot in my back that I have had since 23 is hardly numb at all anymore.
I broke out in a weird rash on my chin and that is now gone and my skin looks amazing.. more clear, more color, younger ect..
I feel the other symptoms fading and hope they continue to do so as time goes on.  My sinusitis is also gone and so is the fluid I have had in my ear since April.
I am VERY happy I had them taken out.
I will update again down the road.. but all in all things are going well.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heavy Metal toxicity

I think that is what a lot of this is.. There are so many chemicals, heavy metals in implants eg: platinum, lead, nickle ect..  had I known this I would have never put them in my body. 

I am one day closer to getting these toxic bags out of my body.. it can't get here fast enough.

I am driving myself crazy with thoughts that I won't get any better after these bags are out.. I have to trust that my body wants to get better and heal itself.

I seriously can't believe that I did this to myself..

Sunday, June 26, 2011


The waiting to get them out is so hard.. I want them out right now.   We will be leaving a week from today :D   I am so sick of feeling like I am slowly just slipping away.  I can't believe how fast I have gone down hill since January.

My kids are on summer break and I feel so bad for them... I know they're bored and I am hoping after I get this done we can still have a good summer if I start feeling better.

My biggest fear is that I won't get better after explant.. but I can't think like that.   I guess I understand why they say woman w/ implants have a higher suicide risk.. cuz they feel sick and Dr.s tell them it's all in their heads and it can't be from their implants.

All I know is that I NEVER use to be like this... This is not who I am.. but this is who I have become and I do NOT like it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

So Angry!!

I am sitting here thinking about how I trusted the FDA.. I thought I was putting something safe in my body!!  I thought they had my best interest in mind.. but I guess it was about money.

Now I sit and think about how a whole new group of woman sitting around with the new silicone implants since the ban was lifted in 2006.. not believing that they can or will make you sick, just like I did for so many years.   And many of them already are or will get sick from them, and they will get the run around and hear how it CANT possibly be your implants because the FDA says they're safe, ugh.

Why can't they look at how many woman that have had them for years all get the same sort of symptoms.. and illnesses?  WHY won't they believe us?  MONEY!!!! that's why.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It begins at 19 years old.

I am 19 years old and unhappy with the size of my breasts.  I was in many pageants and talked my mom into buying me new tata's in 1990.. I am so happy with them.. they looked and felt real.  Everything is GREAT.. then my mom gets diagnosed with colon cancer and dies a little more than a year later.  I am now 20. 

Lets jump to November of 1992 I move to south Florida.. things are wonderful.. I start getting these very sharp pains in my right shoulder blade.. it would spasm so bad I couldn't even move.. this went on for a while, but then the pain went away and I was left with numbness in that area.. It is still this way today.  I NEVER once thought about my implants having something to do with it.  Now I know better, I think that is when the right implant ruptured.

I mean I was told that they would last forEVER that they would dig up my grave one day and there my implants would be, lol..

So things are okay, I don't really feel bad or anyting.. I do get a lot of neck spasms and back pain, but I just brush it off.

In the year 2000 I get married.  I am working as a Veterinary Technician at the UofM in the ICU for small animals.  

2001 I give birth to my son and develop keritosis piloris a skin thing, huh, never had that before.  I LOVE being a mom and am happier than ever before in my life.  2003 I have my daughter, life is so GREAT.  Some time after that I start not feeling so well.  Dr. can't find anything wrong with me.  I am tired, depression, ect....

I try this and that and things get a little better.   Then in 2005 I think it gets worse.. I just do NOT feel well.. still they can't find anything wrong with me.  I start looking into getting my implants out.. but all the plastic surgeons tell me even with their age which was about 16 then, that if I am not having any problems with them, they're fine and not to worry.  So that puts my mind at ease and on with life I go.

Jump ahead to 09.. I am worse, I am foggy all the time, cant think, concentrate, my vision is fuzzy, more headaches.

Jump to 2011 and shit has hit the fan.. I am just NOT well. I have all of the above symptoms along with, hair loss, brain lesions, pain in my breasts, systemic yeast, tingling, numbness, stabbing pain in my back, depression, anxiety, apathy, lack of motivation,  the list goes on and on.

I have been to more Dr.s in the last 6 months it's unreal.  I have been checked for MS, Lupus, lyme, ect... all of my blood work is normal.. all but the brain lesions and the MRI said there is at least 11 of them.. more than someone my age should have.   Neurologist wants to re-check my mri in 2 months.

I found an online forum of other woman with the same symptoms as I am having that also are sick from there implants and many of them get much better after having them removed.  I hope I will be one of them.

I am having my explant surgery on July 6th with Dr. Lu-Jean Feng in Cleveland OH.

I want to do this blog to hopefully help someone going through this as well and maybe stop someone from getting implants in the first place.

I didn't believe implants could make you sick either.. BUT.. now I know that they do.  I wish I would have never gotten them.